Is comforting an antonym for the word uncanny?

No, comforting is not an antonym for the word uncanny. An antonym for uncanny would be something like normal, ordinary, or familiar.

No, comforting is not an antonym for the word uncanny. An antonym for uncanny would be something like ordinary, familiar, or commonplace. Comforting, on the other hand, refers to providing a sense of comfort or consolation, which is not directly opposite in meaning to uncanny.

To determine whether "comforting" is an antonym for the word "uncanny," we can break down the meanings of both words and compare them.

1. Uncanny: "Uncanny" is an adjective that describes something strange, mysterious, or eerie. It often implies a sense of discomfort, unease, or unfamiliarity. For example, if someone experiences something uncanny, they might find it unsettling or weird.

2. Comforting: "Comforting" is an adjective that describes something that brings solace, reassurance, or a sense of ease. It relates to providing comfort, support, or relief from distress or anxiety. For example, a warm hug from a loved one could be described as comforting.

Based on these definitions, "comforting" and "uncanny" appear to be antonyms since they convey opposite meanings. However, to be certain, we can consult a dictionary or thesaurus to verify their antonym relationship.

To check for synonyms and antonyms, you can use a variety of online resources or dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster,, or Oxford Dictionaries. Searching for the word "uncanny" in these resources and checking for antonyms would confirm whether "comforting" is listed as an antonym.