Which sentences demonstrates correct subject verb agreement

1. She walks to the park every day.

2. They is going to the concert tonight.
3. I am studying for my exams.
4. The dog barks loudly at the mailman.

The correct sentence that demonstrates subject verb agreement is: 1. She walks to the park every day.

1. The cat sits on the mat.

2. The dogs run in the park.
3. She sings beautifully.
4. They play soccer every weekend.
5. My brother and I share a room.
6. The books are on the shelf.
7. The flowers bloom in spring.
8. He teaches math at the university.
9. The students study hard for their exams.
10. The baby cries when she is hungry.

To determine which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement, we need to ensure that the subject and verb in each sentence agree in number. Here are a few examples:

1. "She runs every day."
- Subject: "She" (singular)
- Verb: "runs" (singular)
- Agreement: The singular subject "she" is correctly followed by the singular verb "runs."

2. "They eat dinner together."
- Subject: "They" (plural)
- Verb: "eat" (plural)
- Agreement: The plural subject "they" is correctly followed by the plural verb "eat."

3. "The book is on the table."
- Subject: "The book" (singular)
- Verb: "is" (singular)
- Agreement: The singular subject "the book" is correctly followed by the singular verb "is."

Remember, subject-verb agreement means that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. To ensure correct subject-verb agreement, always consider the number (singular or plural) of the subject and select the appropriate verb form to match.