What kind of loan is a federal student loan? ​​​​​​​ (1 point) Responses a revolving line of credit a revolving line of credit a secured personal loan a secured personal loan an unsecured installment loan an unsecured installment loan an unsecured collateral loan

A federal student loan is an unsecured installment loan.

A federal student loan is an unsecured installment loan. An installment loan is a type of loan that is repaid over time in fixed monthly payments, rather than being drawn upon and repaid like a revolving line of credit. In the case of federal student loans, they are unsecured, meaning they do not require any collateral.

A federal student loan is an unsecured installment loan.

What should you do before you complete your net worth statement?(1 point) Responses Redistribute the investments in your retirement account. Redistribute the investments in your retirement account. Decide what, if anything, you are going to leave to your children in your will. Decide what, if anything, you are going to leave to your children in your will. Complete your income statement. Complete your income statement. Determine or estimate the current value of everything you own.

Before completing your net worth statement, you should determine or estimate the current value of everything you own.

Which of the following is not going to appear on your credit report?(1 point) Responses your age and gender your age and gender whether you have ever declared bankruptcy whether you have ever declared bankruptcy a list of your employers a list of your employers your credit card account

Your age and gender are not going to appear on your credit report.

Which choice is an accurate fact about credit reports?(1 point) Responses You can request one no more than once a year. You can request one no more than once a year. You can request one online or over the phone. You can request one online or over the phone. You can request one only if you have been turned down for credit You can request one only if you have been turned down for credit You can request one whenever you want.

An accurate fact about credit reports is that you can request one online or over the phone.

Darren’s credit report lists seven credit cards that he does not have. What should he do?(1 point) Responses He should contact all three credit bureaus, the companies that issued the seven fraudulent cards, the companies that issued the two credit cards he does have, his local police, and the federal government at identitytheft.gov. He should contact all three credit bureaus, the companies that issued the seven fraudulent cards, the companies that issued the two credit cards he does have, his local police, and the federal government at identitytheft.gov. He should contact the credit bureau that issued the credit report, his local police, and the federal government at identitytheft.gov. He should contact the credit bureau that issued the credit report, his local police, and the federal government at identitytheft.gov. He should contact the credit bureau that issued the credit report, the companies that issued the two credit cards he does have, and the federal government at identitytheft.gov. He should contact the credit bureau that issued the credit report, the companies that issued the two credit cards he does have, and the federal government at identitytheft.gov. He should contact the credit bureau that issued the credit report, the companies that issued the seven fraudulent cards, his local police, and the federal government at identitytheft.gov.