Describe the purpose of using active voice?

1. To write in present tense.
2. To make Rayden strong.
3. To correct the air presented by passive voice.
4. Two focused attention on the receiver of the action.

The purpose of using active voice is primarily to focus attention on the subject or doer of the action in a sentence. By using active voice, the subject becomes the main focus, which enhances clarity and directness in communication. Additionally, active voice often makes sentences more engaging and dynamic. It is not directly related to writing in present tense or making a particular character strong like Rayden. Lastly, active voice is typically preferred over passive voice to correct the ambiguity or lack of clarity created by the passive voice construction.

The purpose of using active voice is:

1. To write in present tense: Active voice allows you to express actions in the present tense, providing a sense of immediacy and making the writing more engaging.

2. To make Rayden strong: It is not clear what you mean by "make Rayden strong" in this context, so this statement may not be related to the purpose of using active voice.

3. To correct the air presented by passive voice: While it is true that active voice can be used to correct passive voice, it is not the main purpose. Active voice is generally preferred because it is more direct, clearer, and more concise than passive voice.

4. To focus attention on the receiver of the action: Active voice highlights the subject (the doer of the action) and the direct object (the receiver of the action), which can help emphasize who or what is being affected by the action.

In summary, the main purpose of using active voice is to write in the present tense, to make writing more engaging, clear, and concise, and to focus attention on the subject and direct object of the action.

The purpose of using active voice is to emphasize the subject performing the action in a sentence. When writing in active voice, the subject of the sentence is actively carrying out the action, making the sentence more direct and engaging.

To determine whether a sentence is in active voice, you can ask yourself the question: "Who or what is performing the action?" If the subject is clearly identified and is actively performing the action, then the sentence is in active voice.

Here's an example to illustrate the difference between active and passive voice:
Active voice: "John baked a delicious cake."
Passive voice: "A delicious cake was baked by John."

In the active voice sentence, "John" is the subject actively performing the action of baking. This provides clear and direct information to the reader. On the other hand, in the passive voice sentence, the subject is less clear, and the emphasis is placed on the cake rather than who baked it.

Using active voice also helps to keep writing in the present tense, as suggested in option 1. However, it should be noted that active voice can be used in any tense, not limited to the present tense.

Option 2, "To make Rayden strong," seems unrelated to the purpose of using active voice. Active voice cannot directly impact someone's strength or abilities.

Option 3, "To correct the air presented by passive voice," is unclear and doesn't accurately describe the purpose of using active voice. Active voice is not utilized to correct passive voice, but rather to enhance clarity and engagement in writing.

Option 4, "To focus attention on the receiver of the action," is incorrect. Active voice actually places emphasis on the subject performing the action, rather than the receiver. In active voice sentences, the receiver of the action often becomes the object of the sentence, rather than the subject.