What is √125 simplified

√125 simplified is 5√5.

To simplify √125, we need to find the largest perfect square that divides 125. We can do this by finding the prime factorization of 125.

The prime factorization of 125 is: 5 × 5 × 5 = 5^3.

So, we can rewrite √125 as √(5^3).

Now, we can simplify the square root by taking out pairs of identical factors from under the square root sign. In this case, we have one pair of 5's remaining.

When we take out the pair of 5's, we are left with one 5 remaining under the square root sign.

Therefore, √125 simplified is equal to 5√5.

To simplify √125, we need to find the factors of 125.

The factors of 125 are 1, 5, 25, and 125.

Since the square root (√) asks for the number that, when multiplied by itself, equals 125, we want the largest factor that can be squared. In this case, the largest factor is 25.

Thus, √125 can be simplified to √(25 × 5).

Breaking it down further, we have √25 × √5.

Finally, the simplified form of √125 is 5√5.