Use the group of words to answer the question.

interact act in such a way as to have an effect on another

interstellar situated among stars

interpret: explain the meaning of

Which of the following is the meaning of the prefix inter?

(1 point)






The meaning of the prefix "inter" is between.

To find the meaning of the prefix "inter," we can break down the given words and look for a common pattern. In this case, we have "interact," "interstellar," and "interpret." By examining these words, we can observe that the prefix "inter-" appears before each word.

From the definitions provided:
- "Interact" means to act in such a way as to have an effect on another.
- "Interstellar" means situated among the stars.
- "Interpret" means to explain the meaning of.

By analyzing these words, we can conclude that the meaning of the prefix "inter-" is "between," as it indicates a relationship or connection between different entities or locations. Therefore, the correct answer is "between."