Schuyler is making a list of the parts of a computer that are software. Which of the following will be on the list?

(1 point)

O the speakers

a thumb drive

O the keyboard

O web browser

The correct options are:

- a thumb drive
- web browser

On the list of software parts of a computer, the following will be included:

- Web browser

To determine which options should be on the list of software parts of a computer, we need to understand what software refers to. Software refers to the digital programs and instructions that tell the hardware (physical components) of a computer what to do.

Option 1: The speakers - This is a hardware component that produces sound. It is not software because it does not involve digital programs or instructions.

Option 2: A thumb drive - A thumb drive, also known as a USB flash drive, is a portable storage device. It is not considered software since it stores data but does not function as a program or set of instructions.

Option 3: The keyboard - A keyboard is a hardware component and not software. It is an input device that allows the user to interact with the computer by entering commands or typing text.

Option 4: The web browser - This is software. A web browser is an application that allows users to access and view websites and web content. It is a program that runs on a computer and provides the user interface to navigate the internet.

Based on the explanations above, the only option that should be on Schuyler's list of software parts of a computer is "The web browser."