Use the ratio 1foot = 30.48 centimeters. Jeff is 183 centimeters tall. How many feet tall is he? Round to the nearest whole number. (1 point)

To find this, we need to divide Jeff's height in centimeters by the conversion factor:

183 cm / 30.48 cm = 5.9974

Rounding to the nearest whole number, Jeff is 6 feet tall.

To find out how many feet tall Jeff is, we can use the given conversion ratio: 1 foot is equal to 30.48 centimeters.

First, we divide 183 centimeters by the value in the conversion ratio:

183 centimeters รท 30.48 centimeters/foot = approximately 6 feet.

Since we are rounding to the nearest whole number, Jeff is approximately 6 feet tall.

To find how many feet tall Jeff is, we can use the given ratio 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters.

First, we need to convert Jeff's height of 183 centimeters into feet.

We divide Jeff's height in centimeters by the conversion factor:
183 centimeters / (30.48 centimeters/foot) = 6 feet

Therefore, Jeff is approximately 6 feet tall when rounded to the nearest whole number.