Find –5A + 4B

A equals
start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column 6
2nd column 1
2nd row
1st column negative 4
2nd column negative 6
3rd row
1st column 7
2nd column negative 7

end matrix

B equals
start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column negative 5
2nd column negative 1
2nd row
1st column negative 3
2nd column negative 8
3rd row
1st column 6
2nd column 8

end matrix

(1 point)

Image with alt text: matrix

Image with alt text: matrix

Image with alt text: matrix


Image with alt text: matrix

To find -5A + 4B, we need to subtract 5 times matrix A from 4 times matrix B.

First, let's find -5A:

-5A = -5 * A

= -5 * [6 1; -4 -6; 7 -7]

= [-30 -5; 20 30; -35 35]

Next, let's find 4B:

4B = 4 * B

= 4 * [-5 -1; -3 -8; 6 8]

= [-20 -4; -12 -32; 24 32]

Now, let's add -5A and 4B:

-5A + 4B = [-30 -5; 20 30; -35 35] + [-20 -4; -12 -32; 24 32]

= [-30 -5; 20 30; -35 35] + [-20 -4; -12 -32; 24 32]

= [-50 -9; 8 -2; -11 67]

So, -5A + 4B is the matrix:

[-50 -9;

8 -2;

-11 67]

To find -5A + 4B, we need to perform scalar multiplication on matrix A and matrix B, and then subtract the resulting matrices.

First, let's perform scalar multiplication on matrix A:

-5 * A =
-5 * (start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column 6
2nd column 1
2nd row
1st column -4
2nd column -6
3rd row
1st column 7
2nd column -7

end matrix) =
(start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -30
2nd column -5
2nd row
1st column 20
2nd column 30
3rd row
1st column -35
2nd column 35

end matrix)

Next, let's perform scalar multiplication on matrix B:

4 * B =
4 * (start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -5
2nd column -1
2nd row
1st column -3
2nd column -8
3rd row
1st column 6
2nd column 8

end matrix) =
(start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -20
2nd column -4
2nd row
1st column -12
2nd column -32
3rd row
1st column 24
2nd column 32

end matrix)

Finally, let's subtract the resulting matrices:

(start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -30
2nd column -5
2nd row
1st column 20
2nd column 30
3rd row
1st column -35
2nd column 35

end matrix) - (start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -20
2nd column -4
2nd row
1st column -12
2nd column -32
3rd row
1st column 24
2nd column 32

end matrix) =
(start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -10
2nd column -1
2nd row
1st column 32
2nd column 62
3rd row
1st column -59
2nd column 3

end matrix)

Therefore, -5A + 4B equals:

start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -10
2nd column -1
2nd row
1st column 32
2nd column 62
3rd row
1st column -59
2nd column 3

end matrix

To find -5A + 4B, you need to perform scalar multiplication and matrix addition.

First, let's calculate -5A:

-5A equals:
start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -5 * 6 = -30
2nd column -5 * 1 = -5
2nd row
1st column -5 * (-4) = 20
2nd column -5 * (-6) = 30
3rd row
1st column -5 * 7 = -35
2nd column -5 * (-7) = 35
end matrix

Next, let's calculate 4B:

4B equals:
start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column 4 * (-5) = -20
2nd column 4 * (-1) = -4
2nd row
1st column 4 * (-3) = -12
2nd column 4 * (-8) = -32
3rd row
1st column 4 * 6 = 24
2nd column 4 * 8 = 32
end matrix

Now, let's perform the matrix addition of -5A and 4B:

-5A + 4B equals:
start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -30 + (-20) = -50
2nd column -5 + (-4) = -9
2nd row
1st column 20 + (-12) = 8
2nd column 30 + (-32) = -2
3rd row
1st column -35 + 24 = -11
2nd column 35 + 32 = 67
end matrix

Therefore, -5A + 4B is equal to:
start 3 by 2 matrix
1st row
1st column -50
2nd column -9
2nd row
1st column 8
2nd column -2
3rd row
1st column -11
2nd column 67
end matrix