Match the following descriptions to the appropriate state of the cell cycle

Captionless Image
G1 S phase G2 pmat division into 2 cells
Cell grows, organelles double, cell work
DNA is copied
Prep for division: structures for division made/ more growth
Cell grows, organelles double, cell work
DNA is copied
Prep for division: structures for division made/ more growth

This question requires one response per row

G1 - Cell grows, organelles double, cell work

S phase - DNA is copied
G2 - Prep for division: structures for division made/ more growth
Pmat - Mitosis
Division into 2 cells - Cytokinesis

G1: Cell grows, organelles double, cell work

S phase: DNA is copied
G2: Prep for division: structures for division made/more growth
Mitosis: division into 2 cells
Cytokinesis: division into 2 cells

To match the descriptions to the appropriate state of the cell cycle, let's analyze each description and identify which phase it corresponds to:

1) Cell grows, organelles double, cell work
This description corresponds to the G1 phase of the cell cycle. During this phase, the cell grows in size, and the organelles within the cell double.

2) DNA is copied
This description corresponds to the S phase of the cell cycle. During this phase, DNA replication takes place, resulting in the formation of two identical copies of the cell's DNA.

3) Prep for division: structures for division made/more growth
This description corresponds to the G2 phase of the cell cycle. During this phase, the cell continues to grow and prepares for cell division by synthesizing the necessary structures and molecules required for division to occur.

4) Mitosis
This description corresponds to the mitosis phase of the cell cycle. Mitosis is the process of nuclear division, where the replicated chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell.

5) Cytokinesis
This description corresponds to the division into two cells phase of the cell cycle. Cytokinesis is the process by which the cytoplasm divides, resulting in the formation of two separate daughter cells.

Based on these explanations, the matching would be as follows:
G1 - Cell grows, organelles double, cell work
S phase - DNA is copied
G2 - Prep for division: structures for division made/more growth
Mitosis - mitosis
Division into 2 cells - cytokinesis