The graph below shows a cyclist’s velocity over a period of time. Describe the cyclist’s acceleration. (1 point) Responses The acceleration of the cyclist is constant and zero The acceleration of the cyclist is constant and zero The acceleration of the cyclist is constant and non-zero The acceleration of the cyclist is constant and non-zero The acceleration of the cyclist is going up The acceleration of the cyclist is going up The acceleration of cyclist is going down The acceleration of cyclist is going down Skip to navigation

Based on the information given, it is not possible to determine the cyclist's acceleration.

To describe the cyclist's acceleration, we need to analyze the graph showing the cyclist's velocity over time. Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes over time.

If the graph of velocity is a straight line, it indicates a constant acceleration. Conversely, if the graph of velocity is not a straight line, it indicates a changing acceleration.

Based on the given responses, we can see that the first four responses mention "the acceleration of the cyclist is constant." Therefore, we can eliminate any response that mentions changing acceleration.

Now we need to determine whether the acceleration is zero or non-zero. To do this, we need to look for any horizontal sections of the graph. If there are any horizontal sections, it means the velocity is not changing during that time, indicating zero acceleration.

If there are no horizontal sections, it means the velocity is changing throughout the graph, indicating a non-zero acceleration.

Since we cannot see the graph, we cannot determine the presence of horizontal sections or any changing trends. Therefore, we cannot directly determine if the acceleration is zero or non-zero based on the given information. Hence, the correct response is to "Skip to navigation" to gather more information or move on to the next question.

To describe the cyclist's acceleration based on the given graph, we need to analyze the shape of the graph. Since the description mentions that the acceleration is constant, we should look for a constant slope on the graph.

If the slope of the graph is zero over the entire period, this means that the cyclist's velocity is not changing, and hence the acceleration is zero. However, if the slope is non-zero (positive or negative), this indicates that the velocity is changing, and therefore the acceleration is non-zero.

Based on the given descriptions, it is mentioned twice that the acceleration is constant and zero. Therefore, we can conclude that the cyclist's acceleration is constant and zero.