Judy has $100 and Elenore has $75. Judy is saving $5 per day and Elenore is saving $7 per day. (4 points)

What equation represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days?

The equation that represents how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days is:

Judy's Total Savings = 100 + 5d

To represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days, we can use the equation:

Money Saved by Judy = Initial amount of money Judy has + (Rate of savings per day by Judy x Number of days)

In this case, the initial amount of money Judy has is $100 and the rate of savings per day by Judy is $5. So the equation becomes:

Money Saved by Judy = $100 + ($5 x d)

Thus, the equation that represents how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days is:

Money Saved by Judy = $100 + ($5 x d)

To represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days, we first need to determine how much money she saves per day, and then multiply it by the number of days.

We know that Judy saves $5 per day, so the amount of money she saves in d days is 5d.

However, we also need to include the initial amount of money Judy has before starting to save. In this case, Judy starts with $100.

Therefore, the equation which represents how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days is:

Total amount of money Judy will have = Initial amount + Amount saved per day × Number of days

In this case, the equation would be:

Total amount of money Judy will have = $100 + $5 × d

So the equation is: Total amount of money Judy will have = $100 + $5d

are you sure???

Apologies for the confusion earlier. You are correct. The equation that represents how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days is:

Total amount of money Judy will have = $100 + $5d

This equation takes into account the initial amount of money Judy has ($100) and the amount she saves each day ($5) multiplied by the number of days (d).