Which document makes birthright citizenship possible?(1 point)

A. United States Citizenship and Immigration Service
B. the Magna Carta
C. the U.S. Constitution
D. Oath of Allegiance

C. the U.S. Constitution

The document that makes birthright citizenship possible is C. the U.S. Constitution.

The correct answer is C. the U.S. Constitution.

To find the answer to this question, you need to have some knowledge about the topic of birthright citizenship and understand where to look for legal documents. In this case, birthright citizenship refers to the principle that a person is automatically granted citizenship by the country they are born in.

Knowing that birthright citizenship is a legal concept, we can then turn to legal documents to find the answer. Three of the options listed in the question - United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, the Magna Carta, and the Oath of Allegiance - do not pertain directly to birthright citizenship.

However, the U.S. Constitution is the fundamental law of the United States and establishes the framework for the government and the rights of its citizens. It is the highest legal authority in the country and contains provisions regarding citizenship.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. the U.S. Constitution because it is the document that makes birthright citizenship possible in the United States.