Simplify the expression. First use the distributive property to remove parentheses


Start by using the distributive property to remove the parentheses:

5(x+2) - (3x-8)

= 5*x + 5*2 - 3*x + (-1)*(-8)

= 5x + 10 - 3x + 8

= (5x - 3x) + (10 + 8)

= 2x + 18

The simplified expression is 2x + 18.

To simplify the expression 5(x+2)-(3x-8), we will first remove the parentheses using the distributive property.

Let's start by multiplying 5 to both terms inside the parentheses (x+2):

5*(x+2) = 5*x + 5*2 = 5x + 10

Next, let's distribute the negative sign to both terms inside the other parentheses (3x-8):

-(3x-8) = -3x + 8

Now we can rewrite the expression without the parentheses:

5(x+2) - (3x-8) = 5x + 10 - (3x-8)

To remove the parentheses around the term (3x-8), we need to distribute the negative sign (-) to both terms within the parentheses:

- (3x-8) = -3x + 8

Now we can rewrite the expression without the parentheses:

5x + 10 - (3x-8) = 5x + 10 - 3x + 8

Group the like terms together:

(5x - 3x) + (10 + 8) = 2x + 18

Therefore, the simplified expression is 2x + 18.

To simplify the expression 5(x+2)-(3x-8), we can start by using the distributive property to remove the parentheses.

First, let's distribute the 5 to both terms inside the first parentheses:
5(x + 2) = 5 * x + 5 * 2 = 5x + 10

Next, let's distribute the -1 to both terms inside the second parentheses:
-(3x - 8) = -1 * 3x - 1 * (-8) = -3x + 8

Now, we can substitute these simplified expressions back into the original expression:
5(x+2) - (3x-8)
= 5x + 10 - (3x + 8)

To simplify further, we can remove the parentheses by distributing the negative sign to both terms inside:
5x + 10 - 3x - 8
= 5x - 3x + 10 - 8

Now, let's combine like terms:
5x - 3x = 2x
10 - 8 = 2

Finally, the simplified expression is:
2x + 2