Why are computers better than humans at solving a problem like finding the shortest route between ten different cities?


Computers use code instead of plain English.

Computers are not distracted by social media.

O Computers can test thousands of possible routes in seconds.

Computers have access to more precise maps.

Computers can test thousands of possible routes in seconds.

The correct answer is:

Computers can test thousands of possible routes in seconds.

Computers have the advantage of processing information at a much faster rate compared to humans. They can quickly evaluate multiple potential solutions, such as testing thousands of possible routes in seconds, making it more efficient to find the shortest route between ten different cities.

The main reason why computers are better than humans at solving problems like finding the shortest route between ten different cities is because of their ability to process information quickly and efficiently. Here are some specific reasons why computers outperform humans in this task:

1. Computers use code instead of plain English: Unlike humans who rely on language and reasoning, computers operate on a set of instructions written in programming languages. This allows them to execute complex algorithms and perform calculations much faster and more accurately.

2. Computers are not distracted by social media: Humans are prone to distractions, which can affect their ability to solve problems efficiently. Computers, on the other hand, are solely focused on the task at hand and do not get distracted by external factors, such as social media.

3. Computers can test thousands of possible routes in seconds: Computers have the ability to process large amounts of data in a very short amount of time. When it comes to finding the shortest route between multiple cities, computers are capable of testing thousands or even millions of potential routes within seconds, allowing them to quickly determine the most optimal path.

4. Computers have access to more precise maps: While humans may rely on outdated or incomplete maps, computers have access to digital mapping technologies and databases that offer more accurate and up-to-date information. This helps them make more precise calculations, take into account factors like traffic conditions or road closures, and ultimately find the shortest route more effectively.

In summary, computers' speed, computational power, lack of distractions, and access to precise maps allow them to excel in solving problems like finding the shortest route between multiple cities compared to humans.