which definition correctly describes the given source: “Is That Insta Worthy? Predicting Content Sharing Behavior on Social Media Through Interpersonal Goals”?  

A publication that reports on the findings of a research projects or scientific observations on a certain subject. 

A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.  

A collection of summaries of knowledge that is either general or specific to a particular field or discipline.

Shorter than books and written on very specific topics by experts for experts, usually academic in nature and published regularly throughout a given year. 

A publication that reports on the findings of a research projects or scientific observations on a certain subject.

The correct definition that describes the given source: "Is That Insta Worthy? Predicting Content Sharing Behavior on Social Media Through Interpersonal Goals" would be:

A publication that reports on the findings of a research project or scientific observations on a certain subject.

The correct definition that describes the given source, "Is That Insta Worthy? Predicting Content Sharing Behavior on Social Media Through Interpersonal Goals," would be:

A publication that reports on the findings of a research project or scientific observations on a certain subject.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the title and content of the given source. The title suggests that the source is focused on predicting content sharing behavior on social media through interpersonal goals. This points towards a research or scientific study that explores the topic. The mention of "predicting" indicates that the source aims to present findings or observations based on data and analysis. Therefore, the correct definition is a publication that reports on research findings or scientific observations.