Every citation has two parts, which are: 

in-text citation and a reference list.  

author’s exact words and title source.  

author and date.  

exact words and quotation marks.

author and date.

The correct answer is: author and date.

The correct answer is: author and date.

Citations typically consist of two parts: an in-text citation and a reference list. However, the two parts mentioned in the options are the author's exact words and title source and exact words and quotation marks. While these elements are also important in citations, they do not encompass the entire citation format.

An in-text citation includes the author's last name and the publication date within the body of the text to acknowledge the source of the information. For example, (Smith, 2020). This allows readers to easily find the corresponding full reference in the reference list.

The reference list is a separate section at the end of the document where all the cited sources are listed in detail. It includes the author's full name, date of publication, title of the source, and other necessary information depending on the citation style being used, such as the publication location and publisher.

So, the correct answer is author and date.