Judy has $100 and Elenore has $75. Judy is saving $5 per day and Elenore is saving $7 per day.

What equation represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days?

The equation that represents how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days is:

Judy's initial amount + (Judy's saving per day * number of days) = Judy's total amount

The initial amount is $100.

The saving per day is $5.

The number of days is d.

Therefore, the equation is:

100 + (5 * d) = Judy's total amount

The equation representing how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days is:

Total money saved by Judy (T) = Initial amount of money Judy has ($100) + (Rate of saving per day ($5) * Number of days (d))

T = 100 + 5d

To find the total amount of money Judy will have after saving for d days, you can start with her initial amount of $100 and add the amount she saves each day.

The equation can be written as:
Judy's total money = 100 + (5 * d)

In this equation, "d" represents the number of days Judy has been saving. Multiplying the daily saving amount of $5 by the number of days will give you the total amount of money she has saved.

For example, if Judy has been saving for 10 days:
Judy's total money = 100 + (5 * 10)
= 100 + 50
= $150

Therefore, after saving for 10 days, Judy will have $150 in total.