Charlee is using her calculator to find the product of two large numbers her calculator shows 1.78E12 on the display interpret what this means

1.78E12 is scientific notation, also known as exponential notation or standard form. In this notation, the "E" represents "times 10 raised to the power of."

Therefore, 1.78E12 means 1.78 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12.

In expanded form, 1.78E12 is equal to 1,780,000,000,000.

The number 1.78E12 is a scientific notation representation of a large number. In scientific notation, the letter "E" stands for "times 10 raised to the power of." So, 1.78E12 means 1.78 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12.

To expand it:
1.78E12 = 1.78 × 10^12

This means that the actual number is 1.78 followed by twelve zeros, or 1,780,000,000,000.

The number "1.78E12" is written in scientific notation. To interpret it, we need to understand how scientific notation works. Scientific notation is a way of representing very large or very small numbers using powers of 10.

In this case, 1.78E12 means 1.78 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12. Mathematically, it can be written as:

1.78 x 10^12

To calculate the actual value, you just need to multiply 1.78 by 10 raised to the power of 12:

1.78 x (10^12) = 1,780,000,000,000

So, the interpretation of 1.78E12 is 1.78 trillion, which is equal to 1,780,000,000,000.