For the question, identify how the underlined gerund or gerund phrase is used in the sentence.

She has finished several things by staying focused.
(1 point)

direct object
direct object

predicate nominative
predicate nominative

indirect object
indirect object

object of a preposition
use only the responces availible

The underlined gerund phrase "staying focused" is used as an object of a preposition in the sentence.

In the sentence, the underlined gerund phrase "staying focused" is used as the object of a preposition.

To identify how the underlined gerund or gerund phrase is used in the sentence, we will first need to understand what a gerund is. A gerund is a verb form that is used as a noun and ends in -ing.

In the given sentence, the underlined gerund phrase is "staying focused." To identify its usage, we need to determine how it functions in the sentence.

In this case, "staying focused" is being used as a means or method by which the subject (She) has finished several things. It describes the action or behavior that enables her to complete the tasks. Therefore, the correct answer is:

- Object of a preposition

The gerund phrase "staying focused" is the object of the preposition "by," indicating the method or means by which she has finished several things.