Implement the design on Explorer 16. LED D10 will be used as the RUN LED indicator.

Write an application (in C) which does the following:
1. Make the RUN LED(D10) toggle at every 3.5 Seconds (exact) interval using one of the Timer (Timer 1) module of the Microcontroller.
2. The Knight Rider pattern now consists of 7 LEDs (D9-D3). If the switch (S3) is open, the pattern is from Left to Right direction. If the switch (S3) is closed, the pattern is from Right to Left direction.
3. Repeat the whole process in an infinite way.

How can I make the RUN LED(D10) toggle at every 3.5 Seconds (exact) interval?

unsigned int count1 = 200;
unsigned int count2 = 200;

int main(void){
TRISA = 0x00; // Set PORTA as output
TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 1; // Set SW3 input
int i;
int j;
while(1) {
// Toggle RUN LED (D10) every 3.5 seconds using Timer1
LATDbits.LATD0 = !LATDbits.LATD0;

// Knight Rider pattern from Left to Right direction
for(i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
LATA = (1 << i);

// Knight Rider pattern: Left to Right or Right to Left depending on SW3 state
if (PORTDbits.RD6 == 0) {
for(j = 6; j >= 0; j--) {
LATA = (1 << j);
} else {
for( j = 0; j <= 6; j++) {
LATA = (1 << j);
return -1;


void delayFunc(void)
int j,k;
int a;

for(j = 0; j < count1; j++)
for(k=0; k < count2; k++)
a = 0;


To make the RUN LED (D10) toggle at every 3.5 seconds using Timer1, you can use the following code:

#include <xc.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000

unsigned int count1 = 200;
unsigned int count2 = 200;

void delayFunc(void);

int main(void){
TRISD = 0xFE; // Set RD0 as output and RD1 as input
TRISAbits.TRISA6 = 0; // Set RA6 as output

T1CON = 0b10000000; // Set Timer1 On and Prescaler 1:1
TMR1H = 0xFF;
TMR1L = 0xDB;

if(TMR1IF == 1){ // Check Timer1 overflow flag
TMR1IF = 0; // Clear Timer1 overflow flag

LATAbits.LATA6 = !LATAbits.LATA6; // Toggle RUN LED (D10)

TMR1H = 0xFF;
TMR1L = 0xDB;


return -1;

void delayFunc(void){
int j, k;
int a;

for(j = 0; j < count1; j++){
for(k=0; k < count2; k++){
a = 0;

In this code, we first set the Timer1 configuration to enable the timer and set the prescaler to 1:1. Then, we set the initial values for TMR1H and TMR1L so that the timer overflows and generates an interrupt at approximately a 3.5-second interval.

Inside the main loop, we check the Timer1 interrupt flag (TMR1IF) to determine whether the timer has overflowed. If it has, we toggle the RUN LED (D10) by flipping the value of the LATAbits.LATA6 register. Lastly, we clear the interrupt flag and reset the values of TMR1H and TMR1L to start the timer again.

The delayFunc() function is used to create a delay, although the exact duration will depend on the values of count1 and count2. You can adjust these values to fine-tune the delay if necessary.

To make the RUN LED (D10) toggle at every 3.5 seconds, you can use one of the Timer modules of the microcontroller. Here's how you can do it in the given code:

1. First, make sure the Timer1 module is configured properly. In the code provided, it's assumed that Timer1 is already configured to interrupt every 1ms. If not, you'll need to configure it accordingly.

2. Create two variables, "count1" and "count2". These variables will control the delay in the "delayFunc()" function.

3. Inside the main function, use the following code to toggle the RUN LED every 3.5 seconds:

// Toggle RUN LED (D10) every 3.5 seconds using Timer1
LATDbits.LATD0 = !LATDbits.LATD0;

This code toggles the LATD0 bit, which corresponds to LED D10, and then calls the "delayFunc()" function to introduce the delay.

4. Implement the "delayFunc()" function as follows:

void delayFunc(void)
int j,k;
int a;

for(j = 0; j < count1; j++)
for(k=0; k < count2; k++)
a = 0;

This function introduces a delay by executing nested loops. The values of "count1" and "count2" control the duration of the delay. Adjust these values to achieve a delay of exactly 3.5 seconds. Note that the values of "count1" and "count2" may vary depending on the clock frequency and Timer1 configuration.

By adding this code to the existing program, you can make the RUN LED toggle at every 3.5 seconds. Remember to configure the Timer1 module appropriately before running the code.

To make the RUN LED (D10) toggle at every 3.5 seconds interval using Timer 1, you can modify the provided code as follows:

unsigned int count1 = 200;
unsigned int count2 = 200;

int main(void){
TRISA = 0x00; // Set PORTA as output
TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 1; // Set SW3 as input

// Configure Timer 1 for 3.5 second interval
T1CONbits.TMR1CS = 0; // Use internal clock (Fosc/4)
T1CONbits.T1CKPS = 0b11; // Set prescaler to 1:8
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; // Enable Timer 1
TMR1H = 0xFC; // Set Timer 1 initial value (upper byte)
TMR1L = 0x18; // Set Timer 1 initial value (lower byte)

int i;
int j;
while(1) {
// Toggle RUN LED (D10) every 3.5 seconds using Timer 1
if (TMR1IF) {
TMR1IF = 0; // Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag
LATDbits.LATD0 = !LATDbits.LATD0;

// Knight Rider pattern from Left to Right direction
for(i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
LATA = (1 << i);

// Knight Rider pattern: Left to Right or Right to Left depending on SW3 state
if (PORTDbits.RD6 == 0) {
for(j = 6; j >= 0; j--) {
LATA = (1 << j);
} else {
for( j = 0; j <= 6; j++) {
LATA = (1 << j);
return -1;

void delayFunc(void)
int j,k;
int a;

for(j = 0; j < count1; j++)
for(k=0; k < count2; k++)
a = 0;

In this modified code, Timer 1 is configured to have a clock source of Fosc/4 and a prescaler of 1:8. The initial value of Timer 1 is set to achieve a 3.5 second interval. The `TMR1IF` flag is checked in the main loop to determine when 3.5 seconds have passed, and the RUN LED (D10) is toggled accordingly.

How can I make the RUN LED(D10) toggle at every 3.5 Seconds (exact) interval?

can you show me please?

Certainly! Here's an updated version of the code to make the RUN LED (D10) toggle at every 3.5 seconds interval using Timer 1:

#include <xc.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000

unsigned int count1 = 200;
unsigned int count2 = 200;

void delayFunc(void);

int main(void){
TRISDbits.TRISD0 = 0; // Set RD0 as output for the RUN LED (D10)
TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 1; // Set RD6 as input for the switch (S3)

// Configure Timer1
T1CONbits.TMR1CS = 0; // Use internal clock (Fosc/4)
T1CONbits.T1CKPS = 0b11; // Set prescaler to 1:8
T1CONbits.T1RD16 = 0; // Enable 16-bit mode
TMR1 = 3036; // Set Timer1 initial value for 3.5 seconds interval
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; // Start Timer1

// Toggle RUN LED (D10) every 3.5 seconds using Timer1
TMR1IF = 0; // Clear Timer1 overflow flag
LATDbits.LATD0 = !LATDbits.LATD0; // Toggle RUN LED
TMR1 = 3036; // Reset Timer1 count value

// Knight Rider pattern
if(PORTDbits.RD6 == 0){
// Pattern from Left to Right direction
for(int i = 3; i <= 9; i++){
LATA = (1 << i); // Light up LED D3-D9
// Pattern from Right to Left direction
for(int i = 9; i >= 3; i--){
LATA = (1 << i); // Light up LED D3-D9

return -1;

void delayFunc(void){
for(int i = 0; i < count1; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < count2; j++){
__asm__("nop"); // No operation delay

In this modified code, the Timer1 module is configured to use the internal clock (Fosc/4) with a prescaler of 1:8. The Timer1 interrupt flag (TMR1IF) is checked in the main loop to detect when the 3.5-second interval has passed. When the flag is set, the RUN LED (D10) is toggled, and the Timer1 count register (TMR1) is reset to the desired count value for the 3.5-second interval.

The pattern of the Knight Rider lights (LED D3-D9) is controlled by the state of the switch S3 (RD6). If the switch is open, the pattern goes from left to right, and if the switch is closed, the pattern goes from right to left.

The `delayFunc()` function is a basic delay function using nested loops that introduce a delay of approximately 3.5 seconds. The exact delay time can be adjusted by changing the values of `count1` and `count2`.

THis part giving me error.

// Configure Timer1
T1CONbits.TMR1CS = 0; // Use internal clock (Fosc/4)
T1CONbits.T1CKPS = 0b11; // Set prescaler to 1:8
T1CONbits.T1RD16 = 0; // Enable 16-bit mode
TMR1 = 3036; // Set Timer1 initial value for 3.5 seconds interval
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; // Start Timer1

// Toggle RUN LED (D10) every 3.5 seconds using Timer1
TMR1IF = 0; // Clear Timer1 overflow flag
LATDbits.LATD0 = !LATDbits.LATD0; // Toggle RUN LED
TMR1 = 3036; // Reset Timer1 count value

Apologies for the error. It seems like we missed enabling the Timer1 interrupt in the code. Please update the code as follows:

#include <xc.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000

unsigned int count1 = 200;
unsigned int count2 = 200;

void delayFunc(void);

int main(void){
TRISDbits.TRISD0 = 0; // Set RD0 as output for the RUN LED (D10)
TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 1; // Set RD6 as input for the switch (S3)

// Configure Timer1
T1CONbits.TMR1CS = 0; // Use internal clock (Fosc/4)
T1CONbits.T1CKPS = 0b11; // Set prescaler to 1:8
T1CONbits.T1RD16 = 0; // Enable 16-bit mode
TMR1 = 3036; // Set Timer1 initial value for 3.5 seconds interval
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; // Start Timer1
TMR1IE = 1; // Enable Timer1 interrupt
GIE = 1; // Enable global interrupts

// Knight Rider pattern
if(PORTDbits.RD6 == 0){
// Pattern from Left to Right direction
for(int i = 3; i <= 9; i++){
LATA = (1 << i); // Light up LED D3-D9
// Pattern from Right to Left direction
for(int i = 9; i >= 3; i--){
LATA = (1 << i); // Light up LED D3-D9

return -1;

void __interrupt() ISR(void){
TMR1IF = 0; // Clear Timer1 overflow flag
LATDbits.LATD0 = !LATDbits.LATD0; // Toggle RUN LED
TMR1 = 3036; // Reset Timer1 count value

void delayFunc(void){
for(int i = 0; i < count1; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < count2; j++){
__asm__("nop"); // No operation delay

In this updated code, we have added an interrupt service routine (ISR) to handle the Timer1 interrupt. The `__interrupt()` specifier is used to define the ISR. When the Timer1 interrupt occurs, the `ISR()` function will be executed, and it will toggle the RUN LED (D10) and reset the Timer1 count value.

Additionally, we enable the Timer1 interrupt (TMR1IE) and global interrupt (GIE) in order to allow the Timer1 overflow to trigger the ISR.

Please try running this updated code. It should now correctly toggle the RUN LED at every 3.5-second interval using Timer1.