You are working on your budget and have two numbers to add up in two different Excel cells. What is the formula you will use if cell A1 is 80 and cell A2 is 50?



=SUM 80+50

=ADD (80+50)

The formula you will use is =SUM(A1:A2)

The correct formula to add up the values in cells A1 and A2 is =SUM(A1:A2).

The formula you will use to add up the values in two different Excel cells is "=SUM(A1:A2)".

Here's how you can get the answer using this formula:

1. Open Excel and navigate to the worksheet where your budget is located.
2. Locate the cells that contain the numbers you want to add up. In this case, cell A1 contains the number 80 and cell A2 contains the number 50.
3. In an empty cell, type "=SUM(". This will start the SUM formula.
4. Then, select the range of cells you want to add up. In this case, select cells A1 and A2 by clicking on cell A1, holding the Shift key, and then clicking on cell A2. This will automatically add "A1:A2" to the formula.
5. Finally, close the formula by typing ")" and press Enter. The answer will be displayed in the cell where you entered the formula.

After following these steps and using the "=SUM(A1:A2)" formula, the result will be 130 (80 + 50).