Where is the part of speech located in a dictionary entry?(1 point) Responses in parentheses after the entry word in parentheses after the entry word in the numbered definitions that follow the entry word in the numbered definitions that follow the entry word before the entry word before the entry word after the pronunciation after the pronunciation

The part of speech is typically located in parentheses after the entry word.

The part of speech is typically located in parentheses after the entry word in a dictionary entry.

In a dictionary entry, the part of speech is typically located in parentheses after the entry word. It provides the grammatical category or function of the word. For example, if the entry word is "run," the part of speech might be indicated as "(verb)." Sometimes, the part of speech can also be mentioned before the entry word, but this is less common. The numbered definitions that follow the entry word may also provide additional information about the part of speech in some cases. The part of speech is not typically located after the pronunciation, but it is important to note that the pronunciation is usually provided as well.