A car that is traveling west at a constant rate has

A: speed, but neither velocity not acceleration

B: velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed

C: acceleration and speed, but no velocity

D: speed and velocity, but no acceleration

D: speed and velocity, but no acceleration

The correct answer is:

D: speed and velocity, but no acceleration.


Speed refers to the rate at which an object is moving, while velocity takes into account the direction as well. In this case, the car is traveling west, which means it has both speed and velocity.

Acceleration, on the other hand, refers to a change in velocity. If the car is traveling at a constant rate, it means its velocity is not changing, so there is no acceleration.

To figure out the answer, we need to understand the definitions of these terms.

1. Speed: This refers to how fast an object is moving, regardless of its direction.

2. Velocity: This refers to the object's speed in a specific direction. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (speed) and direction.

3. Acceleration: This refers to the rate at which the velocity of an object changes. It is also a vector quantity.

Now, in the given scenario, the car is traveling west at a constant rate. This means that the car is moving with a constant speed towards the west.

Based on these definitions, we can eliminate options A and C because a car traveling west at a constant rate has both speed and velocity.

Now, let's consider option B: velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed. This is incorrect because the car does have speed since it is moving at a constant rate. Therefore, option B is also eliminated.

This leaves us with option D: speed and velocity, but no acceleration. This is the correct answer because the car has a constant speed and velocity since it is traveling west at a constant rate. However, since it is not mentioned that the car is changing its speed or direction, there is no acceleration involved.

So, the correct answer is D: speed and velocity, but no acceleration.