Grace ran a 26-mile marathon in 4 hours. How far did Grace run in 1.5 hours?(1 point)


9.75 miles
9.75 miles

4.33 miles
4.33 miles

156 miles
156 miles

69.33 miles

The answer is 9.75 miles.

To determine the distance Grace ran in 1.5 hours, we can set up a proportion:

Distance ran / Time taken = Total distance / Total time

Let's plug in the given values:
Distance ran / 1.5 hours = 26 miles / 4 hours

Now, we can solve for Distance ran:

Distance ran = (1.5 hours * 26 miles) / 4 hours

Calculating this expression gives us:

Distance ran = 39 / 4
Distance ran = 9.75 miles

Therefore, Grace ran 9.75 miles in 1.5 hours.

To find out how far Grace ran in 1.5 hours, we can use the concept of proportionality. We know that Grace ran a total of 26 miles in 4 hours.

So, we can set up a proportion to find out how far she ran in 1.5 hours:

Distance in 4 hours / Time in 4 hours = Distance in 1.5 hours / Time in 1.5 hours

Let's solve this proportion:

26 miles / 4 hours = x miles / 1.5 hours

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4 hours * x miles = 1.5 hours * 26 miles

4x = 39

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:

x = 9.75 miles

Therefore, Grace ran 9.75 miles in 1.5 hours.