Geo mows lawns for $25 each. He already has $250 in his bank account but it’s trying to save $900. How many lawns will he need to mow to reach his goal?

Geo needs to save $900 and already has $250, so he needs to save an additional $900 - $250 = $<<900-250=650>>650.

Since he makes $25 per lawn, he will need to mow $650 / $25 = <<650/25=26>>26 lawns. Answer: \boxed{26}.

To find out how many lawns Geo needs to mow, we need to determine the remaining amount of money he needs to save.

Geo wants to save $900, and he already has $250, so he needs to save an additional $900 - $250 = $650.

Since Geo mows lawns for $25 each, we can divide the remaining amount he needs to save by the amount he earns from mowing each lawn: $650 / $25 = 26.

Therefore, Geo will need to mow 26 lawns in order to reach his savings goal of $900.

To figure out how many lawns Geo needs to mow to reach his saving goal, we can use the following steps:

1. Determine the amount of money Geo needs to save: Geo's goal is to save $900.

2. Calculate the amount of money Geo already has: Geo has $250 in his bank account.

3. Calculate the remaining amount of money Geo needs to save: Subtract the amount Geo already has from his saving goal.
Remaining saving goal = Saving goal - Starting amount
Remaining saving goal = $900 - $250
Remaining saving goal = $650

4. Determine how many lawns Geo needs to mow: Divide the remaining saving goal by the amount he earns per lawn.
Number of lawns = Remaining saving goal / Earnings per lawn
Number of lawns = $650 / $25
Number of lawns = 26

Therefore, Geo needs to mow 26 lawns in order to reach his goal of saving $900.