Which of the following foods is usually highest in protein?

(1 point)




candy bar
candy bar


In order to determine which food is usually highest in protein among the options given, we need to compare the protein content of each food. Protein is typically found in higher amounts in animal sources compared to plant sources. Let's analyze the protein content of each food:

1. Apple: Apples are a fruit and are generally not high in protein. Their main nutritional benefits are vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

2. Chicken: Chicken is a lean source of protein and is commonly known for its high protein content. It is a popular choice among individuals looking to increase their protein intake.

3. Bread: Bread is primarily made from grains and is not considered high in protein. While it may contain small amounts of protein, it is generally consumed as a source of carbohydrates.

4. Candy bar: Candy bars are typically high in sugar, fats, and calories but are not significant sources of protein.

Based on the above analysis, the food that is usually highest in protein among the options provided is chicken.

Out of the foods listed, chicken is usually highest in protein.