What is the plural form for the medical term cortex?

O a. Cortexes
O b. Cortexis
O c. Cortices
O d. Cortexia

c. Cortices

The plural form for the medical term "cortex" is "cortices" (option c).

To find the plural form of the medical term "cortex," you can start by understanding the basic rules for forming plurals in the English language.

In most cases, to make a regular noun plural, you simply add an "s" or "es" to the end of the word. However, there are exceptions to this rule, especially for words borrowed from other languages.

In the case of "cortex," which is a Latin word, the plural form is formed using the Latin pattern. The correct plural form for "cortex" is "cortices" (option c). This follows the pattern of changing the '-ex' ending to '-ices' in the plural form.

So, the answer to your question is option c. Cortices is the plural form of the medical term cortex.