Answer the blank

As magma heats in the mantle, becomes

more porous

less dense


As magma heats in the mantle, it becomes less dense.

As magma heats in the mantle, it becomes (more porous/less dense/solid) solid.

As magma heats in the mantle, it becomes _____ (more porous, less dense, solid).

The answer is "less dense."

Magma is a molten mixture of rocks and minerals found in the Earth's mantle. When magma is heated, the temperature increase causes the substances within it to expand. This expansion results in a decrease in density, making the magma less dense.

To arrive at this answer, the key is to understand how heat affects the density of substances. When a substance is heated, its molecules gain energy and move more vigorously, causing them to spread out and occupy a larger volume. In the case of magma, this expansion due to increased temperature leads to a decrease in density.

It's important to note that as magma cools and solidifies, it transitions into solid rock, not becoming more porous. The process of solidification involves the cooling and hardening of the molten magma into a solid state, which may result in the formation of different types of rocks. So, the correct answer in this case is "less dense."