The CEO's inability to see the looming issues with his supply chain left him as vulnerable as the captain of the Titanic.

Which term does this sentence demonstrate?

(1 point)






The term that is being demonstrated in the given sentence is analogy.

An analogy is a comparison that draws parallels between two different things or concepts to illustrate a point or highlight similarities. In this sentence, the CEO's inability to see the looming issues with his supply chain is being compared to the vulnerability of the captain of the Titanic. By using this analogy, the speaker suggests that, like the captain of the Titanic who failed to acknowledge the approaching danger, the CEO's lack of awareness regarding the supply chain issues has left him equally vulnerable.

The term that this sentence demonstrates is analogy. The sentence compares the CEO's inability to see issues with the supply chain to the vulnerability of the captain of the Titanic. It is using the analogy of the Titanic to emphasize the dire consequences of the CEO's actions.