An economy focused on secondary economic activities tends to lead to which population distribution?(1 point) Responses dispersed dispersed even even sparse sparse clustered


To determine the population distribution associated with an economy focused on secondary economic activities, we need to understand what secondary economic activities are. Secondary economic activities involve the processing of raw materials and the manufacturing of goods. Examples include industries like manufacturing, construction, and processing.

When an economy is focused on secondary economic activities, it usually leads to a clustered population distribution. This means that people tend to concentrate in specific areas where these activities are taking place. The clustering of population occurs due to factors such as the availability of employment opportunities, infrastructure, and amenities related to secondary economic activities. In these areas, there might be industrial zones, factory towns, or manufacturing hubs that attract a significant number of workers and residents.

It is important to note that this answer is a general trend, and there can be variations depending on specific regional or local factors.

An economy focused on secondary economic activities tends to lead to a clustered population distribution.