Drag the definition to the matching term 3RD.

degree burn 2nd degree burn CPR abrasion puncture first degree burn avulsion first aid and laceration.

Third degree burn: A severe burn that affects all layers of the skin and may also damage underlying tissues, muscles, and bones. The affected area may appear white, charred, or waxy.

Second degree burn: A burn that affects the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. It is characterized by blistering, intense pain, and redness.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): A life-saving emergency procedure performed to restore blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.

Abrasion: A wound caused by rubbing or scraping the skin against a rough surface, resulting in the removal of the top layer of skin.

Puncture: A wound caused by a sharp object piercing the skin, creating a small hole.

First degree burn: A minor burn that affects only the outer layer of the skin, resulting in redness, pain, and mild swelling.

Avulsion: A severe injury in which a portion of the skin or tissue is torn away, often causing significant bleeding.

First aid: Immediate care given to someone who has been injured or is suddenly ill, typically involving simple medical techniques that can be performed without professional medical training.

Laceration: A deep cut or tear in the skin, often caused by a sharp object or a forceful impact. It typically requires stitches to heal properly.

Sure! Here is the matching of the definitions to the terms you provided:

1. Third-degree burn - a severe burn that affects all layers of the skin and underlying tissues.
2. Second-degree burn - a burn that affects the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin, causing blisters and intense pain.
3. CPR - CardioPulmonary Resuscitation; a life-saving technique performed to revive someone whose heart has stopped beating or is experiencing a cardiac arrest.
4. Abrasion - a superficial injury to the skin caused by friction or scraping.
5. Puncture - a wound caused by a pointed object entering the body, creating a small hole.
6. First-degree burn - a minor burn that only affects the outermost layer of the skin, causing redness and mild pain.
7. Avulsion - a type of injury in which a part of the body is torn off or completely removed.
8. First aid - initial assistance or treatment given to a person who has been injured or taken ill suddenly.
9. Laceration - a deep cut or tear in the skin or flesh, often caused by a sharp object.

I hope this answers your question! If you have any more, feel free to ask.

To match the definitions with the terms correctly, you can follow these steps:

1. Review each term and definition one by one.
2. Determine the correct term that best matches each definition.
3. Drag and match the definitions to their respective terms.

Here is the correct matching:

1st degree burn - The outermost layer of the skin is damaged, resulting in redness, pain, and swelling. Improperly matching: 3rd degree burn
2nd degree burn - This burn involves the outer layer and underlying layer of the skin, causing blisters, intense pain, and potential scarring. Improperly matching: Abrasion
3rd degree burn - The most severe type of burn, it involves damage to all layers of the skin and may also affect the underlying tissues and organs. Improperly matching: Avulsion
Abrasion - A wound caused by scraping or rubbing the skin against a rough surface, resulting in superficial damage and bleeding. Improperly matching: CPR
Avulsion - A type of injury where a body part is forcibly detached or torn away from the body, often leaving a significant wound. Improperly matching: First aid
Puncture - A wound created by an object piercing through the skin or body tissues, such as a needle or nail. Improperly matching: Laceration
First aid - Immediate medical assistance and care provided to an injured or ill person until proper medical treatment can be given. Improperly matching: Puncture
Laceration - A deep cut or tear in the skin, often caused by a sharp object, resulting in bleeding and may require stitches or sutures. Improperly matching: Second degree burn.

So, the correct matching is:
1st degree burn - First degree burn
2nd degree burn - Second degree burn
3rd degree burn - Third degree burn
Abrasion - Avulsion
Avulsion - Abrasion
Puncture - Puncture
First aid - First aid
Laceration - Laceration