It is x miles from James City to Huntley to Grover. How many miles ia demo James City to Grover? To find out, evaluate c + y if x = 4.23 and y = 16.876

To find the total distance from James City to Grover, you need to add the distances from James City to Huntley and from Huntley to Grover.

If x represents the distance from James City to Huntley, and y represents the distance from Huntley to Grover, then the total distance from James City to Grover is x + y.

Given that x = 4.23 and y = 16.876, we can substitute these values into the expression:

Total distance = x + y = 4.23 + 16.876 = 21.106 miles.

Therefore, the distance from James City to Grover is 21.106 miles.

To find out the distance from James City to Grover, we need to evaluate c + y, given that x = 4.23 and y = 16.876.

However, you mentioned that the distance from James City to Huntley to Grover is x miles. So, it seems like there is a missing variable in the question which is c. Without knowing the value of c, we cannot determine the distance from James City to Grover accurately. Could you provide the value of c?

To find out the distance from James City to Grover, we need to evaluate the expression c + y where c represents the distance from Huntley to Grover.

Given that x represents the distance from James City to Huntley, we know that c + y gives us the total distance from James City to Grover.

Substituting the given values x = 4.23 and y = 16.876 into the expression c + y, we get:

c + y = 4.23 + 16.876 = 21.106

Therefore, the distance from James City to Grover is approximately 21.106 miles.