The average length of a humpback whale is 13.7 meters. The average length of a killer whale is 6.85 meters. How much longer is the humpback whale than the killer whale?

The difference in length between the humpback whale and the killer whale is calculated by subtracting the length of the killer whale from the length of the humpback whale:

13.7 meters - 6.85 meters = <<13.7-6.85=6.85>>6.85 meters.

Therefore, the humpback whale is 6.85 meters longer than the killer whale.

To find out how much longer the humpback whale is than the killer whale, subtract the average length of the killer whale from the average length of the humpback whale.

Average length of humpback whale - Average length of killer whale = Difference in length

It can be calculated as:

13.7 meters - 6.85 meters = 6.85 meters

Therefore, the humpback whale is 6.85 meters longer than the killer whale.

To find out how much longer the humpback whale is than the killer whale, we subtract the length of the killer whale from the length of the humpback whale.

Length of humpback whale = 13.7 meters
Length of killer whale = 6.85 meters

Difference in length = Length of humpback whale - Length of killer whale
Difference in length = 13.7 meters - 6.85 meters

By subtracting 6.85 meters from 13.7 meters, we find that the humpback whale is 6.85 meters longer than the killer whale.