Which process would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent? (1 point)


A plant growing from a seed.
A plant growing from a seed.

A bird laying an egg.
A bird laying an egg.

A tree growing from the stump of another tree.
A tree growing from the stump of another tree.

A bacterium splitting in two.

A bacterium splitting in two.

The process that would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent is a bacterium splitting in two.

The process that would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent is called asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is a method of reproduction where only one parent is involved, and the offspring are genetically identical to the parent.

In this case, the option "A bacterium splitting in two" is the correct answer. Bacteria reproduce through a process called binary fission, where a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. Each daughter cell will have the same genetic information as the parent bacterium.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options.

"A plant growing from a seed" is not a form of asexual reproduction because sexual reproduction occurs when plants produce flowers, which then produce seeds through pollination.

"A bird laying an egg" is not a form of asexual reproduction either, as birds are sexually reproducing organisms.

"A tree growing from the stump of another tree" is a form of asexual reproduction known as vegetative propagation, but the offspring, although similar, may not have the exact same genetic information as the parent due to potential genetic variations.

Therefore, the correct process that leads to offspring with the same genetic information as the parent is when a bacterium splits in two through binary fission.