Write an equation to represent the following scenario: Kyle has 120 minutes to read his book. He spends 5 minutes reading each page. How many pages are in his book? (Use p for pages) A. 5p = 120 B. 120p = 5 C. p/5 = 120 D. p/120 = 5

The correct equation that represents the scenario is A. 5p = 120.

The correct equation to represent the given scenario would be:

B. 120p = 5

Explanation: Since Kyle spends 5 minutes reading each page and he has a total of 120 minutes to read, the number of pages (p) can be determined by multiplying the time spent per page (5) with the total number of pages read (p). Thus, the equation is 5p = 120.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

We know that Kyle has 120 minutes to read his book and he spends 5 minutes reading each page.

First, let's represent the number of pages in the book as "p".

Since we know that Kyle spends 5 minutes reading each page, we can set up the equation:

5p = 120

This equation states that the number of pages (p) multiplied by the time spent reading each page (5 minutes) is equal to 120 minutes.

Therefore, the correct equation to represent the scenario is:

A. 5p = 120