What was the primary reason for the rise of slavery in America?(1 point)


The pursuit of economic equality and social justice among diverse groups of settlers.
The pursuit of economic equality and social justice among diverse groups of settlers.

The desire to exploit cheap labor for agricultural purposes, particularly in the cultivation of cash crops like tobacco and cotton.
The desire to exploit cheap labor for agricultural purposes, particularly in the cultivation of cash crops like tobacco and cotton.

A need for skilled artisans and craftsmen in the New World colonies.
A need for skilled artisans and craftsmen in the New World colonies.

An attempt to assimilate and convert Native American populations to Christianity.

The desire to exploit cheap labor for agricultural purposes, particularly in the cultivation of cash crops like tobacco and cotton.

The desire to exploit cheap labor for agricultural purposes, particularly in the cultivation of cash crops like tobacco and cotton, was the primary reason for the rise of slavery in America.

The primary reason for the rise of slavery in America was the desire to exploit cheap labor for agricultural purposes, particularly in the cultivation of cash crops like tobacco and cotton. Slavery became a profitable institution for early American colonists as it provided them with a large and inexpensive workforce to work on plantations. To get this answer, one can study historical records, primary sources, and scholarly articles that analyze the economic motivations behind the use of slavery in early American agriculture. Additionally, examining the historical context, such as the growth of colonial economies and the development of cash crops, can provide further insights into the reasons for the rise of slavery in America.