How could you check to see if the point (5, 6) is the solution to the Linear System of equations?(1 point) Responses Substitute 6 in for x and 5 in for y in both of the equations to see if both equations are true. Substitute 6 in for x and 5 in for y in both of the equations to see if both equations are true. Substitute 5 in for x and 6 in for y in both of the equations to see if both equations are true. Substitute 5 in for x and 6 in for y in both of the equations to see if both equations are true. Substitute 5 in for x and 6 in for y in one of the equations to see if the equation is true. Substitute 5 in for x and 6 in for y in one of the equations to see if the equation is true. Substitute 6 in for x and 5 in for y in one of the equations to see if the equation is true

To check if the point (5, 6) is the solution to a linear system of equations, you would substitute 5 in for x and 6 in for y in both of the equations in the system. By doing this, you can determine if both equations are true.

To check if the point (5, 6) is a solution to a linear system of equations, you should substitute 5 for x and 6 for y in both of the equations to see if both equations are true. This is the correct approach to verify if the point satisfies both equations.

To check if the point (5, 6) is a solution to a linear system of equations, you need to substitute the given values of x and y into both equations and verify if both equations hold true.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Take the first equation of the system and substitute 5 in place of x and 6 in place of y.
If the equation is true, move on to step 2. Otherwise, the point (5, 6) is not a solution to the system of equations.

2. Take the second equation of the system and substitute 5 in place of x and 6 in place of y.
If this equation is also true, then the point (5, 6) satisfies both equations and is indeed a solution to the system of equations. If it is false, then the point (5, 6) is not a solution.

By following these steps, you can determine if a given point is a solution to a linear system of equations.