When multiplying two rational numbers, how is the sign of the product determined?(1 point) Responses The product is positive if the signs of the factors are the same. The product is positive if the signs of the factors are the same. The product is negative if the signs of the factors are the same. The product is negative if the signs of the factors are the same. The sign of the product is always the same as the larger factor. The sign of the product is always the same as the larger factor. The sign of the product is always the same as the smaller factor. The sign of the product is always the same as the smaller factor.

The correct answer is: The product is positive if the signs of the factors are the same

The product is positive if the signs of the factors are the same.

When multiplying two rational numbers, the sign of the product is determined by the signs of the factors.

If the signs of the factors are the same (both positive or both negative), then the product is positive.

On the other hand, if the signs of the factors are different (one positive and one negative), then the product is negative.

So, to determine the sign of the product, you need to check if the signs of the factors are the same or different. If they are the same, the product is positive; if they are different, the product is negative.