What was indentured servitude?(1 point)


A system where individuals were paid for their labor and had the freedom to choose their employers
A system where individuals were paid for their labor and had the freedom to choose their employers

A system where individuals worked for a fixed period of time in exchange for passage to a new country
A system where individuals worked for a fixed period of time in exchange for passage to a new country

A system where individuals were given land and resources in exchange for their labor
A system where individuals were given land and resources in exchange for their labor

A system where individuals were forced into lifelong servitude without any rights

A system where individuals worked for a fixed period of time in exchange for passage to a new country

The correct answer is:

A system where individuals worked for a fixed period of time in exchange for passage to a new country

The correct answer is:

A system where individuals worked for a fixed period of time in exchange for passage to a new country.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options provided.

The first option states that individuals were paid for their labor and had the freedom to choose their employers. This is not accurate for indentured servitude, as individuals did not have the freedom to choose their employers.

The second option states that individuals worked for a fixed period of time in exchange for passage to a new country. This is the correct definition of indentured servitude. Indentured servants would sign a contract, known as an indenture, where they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for their passage to a new country.

The third option states that individuals were given land and resources in exchange for their labor. This describes a different system called the headright system, not indentured servitude.

The fourth option states that individuals were forced into lifelong servitude without any rights. Although this is a form of servitude, it does not accurately define indentured servitude, which involved a fixed time period of service.

Therefore, the correct answer is: A system where individuals worked for a fixed period of time in exchange for passage to a new country.