canada's _ resources include fish, lumber,wheat, paper products.


Canada's natural resources include fish, lumber, wheat, and paper products.

Canada's resources include natural resources such as fish, lumber, wheat, and paper products.

Canada's resources can be classified into four main categories: natural, unnatural, human, and capital.

1) Natural resources: These are resources that occur naturally in the environment without any human intervention. In the given example, the natural resources of Canada mentioned are fish, lumber, wheat, and paper products.

To find information on Canada's natural resources, you can follow these steps:
- Open a search engine, such as Google.
- Type in "natural resources of Canada" or "Canada's resources."
- Look for reliable sources, such as government websites, official reports, or academic publications.
- Once you find a trustworthy source, read the information provided to gather knowledge about Canada's natural resources.

2) Unnatural resources: The term "unnatural" is not commonly used to describe resources. However, if you are specifically referring to resources that are not naturally occurring, such as man-made materials or synthetic products, Canada does have industries that produce goods like plastics, metals, and chemicals. These can be considered "unnatural" resources in a sense.

If you want to learn more about Canada's industries or production of synthetic materials, you can use the same method mentioned earlier to search for specific information using relevant keywords.

3) Human resources: Human resources refer to the human workforce available in a country. While the resources mentioned in the question are not directly related to human resources, it's important to note that Canada has a skilled and educated workforce that contributes to the country's overall resourcefulness.

To understand more about Canada's human resources, you can search for information on its labor force, education system, employment rates, or any specific aspect you are interested in.

4) Capital resources: Capital resources, also known as physical or man-made resources, include machinery, equipment, buildings, and infrastructure that aid in the production of goods and services. While the examples given in the question (fish, lumber, wheat, paper products) are not directly related to capital resources, Canada does possess significant capital resources in terms of its infrastructure, transportation networks, and industrial facilities.

To explore more about Canada's capital resources, you can search for information on its infrastructure development, major industries, or investments in specific sectors.

Remember, using reliable sources and conducting thorough research will provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about Canada's resources in each category.