The tuning systems were not always reliable during the Baroque period. Why did composers use key signatures?

A To encourage use of percussion
B To avoid harsh-sounding keys
C To avoid creating harmonies in a piece
D To encourage use of opera

B To avoid harsh-sounding keys

B To avoid harsh-sounding keys

The correct answer is B: To avoid harsh-sounding keys.

During the Baroque period, tuning systems were not always reliable, and different musical instruments were often tuned slightly different from each other. This resulted in certain keys or combinations of notes sounding dissonant or out of tune. Composers used key signatures as a way to work around these issues and create music that sounded more pleasant and harmonious.

Key signatures are a set of sharps or flats placed at the beginning of a musical staff to indicate which notes are to be played higher or lower than their natural pitch. By choosing specific key signatures, composers could avoid using keys or combinations of notes that were particularly problematic or dissonant in the tuning system of the time.

Using key signatures allowed composers to write music that was more in line with the limited range of pitch accuracy that instruments of the period could achieve. This helped to create a more pleasing and balanced overall sound in their compositions, and it also made it easier for performers to play in tune.

So, while key signatures were not directly related to encouraging the use of percussion, avoiding creating harmonies, or promoting the use of opera, they were primarily used to avoid harsh-sounding keys in the Baroque period.