Which transition word or phrase shows time?

A eventually

B in summary

C for example

D beneath

A eventually

The transition word or phrase that shows time is "eventually" (option A).

The transition word or phrase that shows time in this list is "eventually" (Option A). Transition words or phrases that indicate time are used to show the order or sequence of events in a sentence or paragraph. In this case, "eventually" suggests that something will happen or take place at some point in the future.

To identify transition words or phrases that indicate time, you can look for keywords that refer to a specific point in time, a temporal order, or a progression of events. Common examples of time-related transition words include: "first," "next," "then," "afterward," "finally," "meanwhile," "since," "before," "during," and "soon."

In the given options, the transition word "eventually" best fits the criteria for indicating a time-related transition.