Tom is given the equation 10x+15=20 to solve. He says the solution is 12 . Which reason justifies his solution?(1 point) Responses Tom says that to solve the equation you first divide by 10 and then subtract 15. Tom says that to solve the equation you first divide by 10 and then subtract 15. Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then multiply by 10. Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then multiply by 10. Tom says that to solve the equation you first add 15 and then divide by 10. Tom says that to solve the equation you first add 15 and then divide by 10. Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10.

Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10.

The equation provided is 10x+15=20. To solve this equation, Tom needs to isolate the variable x by applying the inverse operations in the correct order.

Tom's reasoning is as follows: "To solve the equation, you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10."

However, this reasoning is incorrect. In order to isolate the variable x, the correct sequence of steps is to first subtract 15 from both sides of the equation (to get rid of the constant term), and then divide both sides by 10 (to isolate the variable x).

So, the correct reason for Tom's solution of 12 would be: "Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10."

Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10.