How much water does Adam use every year if taking 10-minute showers a day?

a. 4,000 mL
b. 40,000 mL
c. 14,610 L
d. 40 L

To calculate the amount of water used in a year, we need to determine the volume of water used in each shower and multiply it by the number of showers in a year.

The volume of water used in each shower is given as 10 minutes. We need to convert this to liters (L) since the answer options are in liters.

1 minute = 1000 mL (1 liter)

So, 10 minutes = 10 * 1000 mL = 10,000 mL = 10 L

Now we need to calculate the number of showers in a year. Assuming Adam takes a shower every day throughout the year:

365 days * 10 L/day = 3650 L

Therefore, Adam uses 3650 L (option c) of water every year if taking 10-minute showers a day.

To calculate the amount of water Adam uses every year, we need to convert the 10-minute showers into liters.

1 mL = 0.001 L

First, we need to convert 10 minutes to hours.

60 minutes = 1 hour

Since Adam takes a 10-minute shower every day, he showers for:

10 minutes / 60 minutes = 1/6 hours

Now, we need to calculate the amount of water used per shower. Let's assume that Adam uses a standard flow rate of 10 liters per minute.

So, the amount of water used per shower is:

10 liters/minute * 1/6 hours = 10/6 liters

To find out how much water Adam uses every year, multiply the amount of water used per shower by the number of showers per year. Let's assume there are 365 days in a year.

Water used per year = (10/6 liters/shower) * 365 showers/year

Water used per year = (10/6) * 365/1 liters/year

Water used per year = 608.333 liters/year, which is approximately 608 liters/year.

So, the answer is not listed in the options provided.

To calculate how much water Adam uses every year if he takes 10-minute showers a day, we need to know the flow rate of water from the showerhead and multiply it by the time spent in the shower.

The flow rate of a showerhead is typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM). Let's assume the flow rate is 2 GPM.

First, we convert the shower duration from minutes to hours:

10 minutes / 60 minutes = 0.1667 hours

Next, we calculate the water usage for a single shower:

2 GPM * 0.1667 hours = 0.3334 gallons

Now, we need to determine how many showers Adam takes in a year. Assuming he showers every day:

365 days * 0.3334 gallons = 121.685 gallons

Finally, we convert the gallons to liters since the options are in liters:

121.685 gallons * 3.785 liters/gallon = 459.8 liters (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, Adam uses approximately 459.8 liters of water every year if he takes 10-minute showers a day.

Looking at the given options:
a. 4,000 mL = 4 liters
b. 40,000 mL = 40 liters
c. 14,610 L = 14,610 liters
d. 40 L = 40 liters

The closest option to our calculated answer of 459.8 liters is option (c) 14,610 L.