What is the first operation used in solving this equation? m/10−12=−24 (1 point) Responses subtraction subtraction multiplication multiplication addition addition division division

The first operation used in solving this equation is addition.

To solve the equation m/10 - 12 = -24, we need to isolate the variable m.

The first operation we should perform is addition. We can do this by adding 12 to both sides of the equation.

By doing the same operation to both sides, we maintain the equality of the equation.

So, adding 12 to both sides, we get:

m/10 - 12 + 12 = -24 + 12

Simplifying this expression:

m/10 = -12

Now, we have the equation m/10 = -12.

The first operation used in solving the equation m/10 - 12 = -24 is division.