Evaulate the expression when a =3 and B=10.


To evaluate the expression 70/b + 5a when a = 3 and b = 10, substitute the given values into the expression:

70/10 + 5(3) = 7 + 15 = 22.

Therefore, when a = 3 and b = 10, the expression evaluates to 22.

To evaluate the expression 70/b + 5a = 10 when a = 3 and b = 10, follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute the values of a and b into the expression:
70/10 + 5*3 = 10

Step 2: Simplify the expression:
7 + 15 = 10

Step 3: Simplify further:
22 = 10

Thus, the evaluated expression when a = 3 and b = 10 is false, since 22 is not equal to 10.

To evaluate the expression when a = 3 and b = 10, we substitute these values into the expression and perform the calculations. Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. Start with the expression: 70/b + 5a = 10.

2. Substitute the value of b. Plug in b = 10: 70/10 + 5a = 10.

3. Simplify the first part of the expression: 70 divided by 10 equals 7. The equation now becomes: 7 + 5a = 10.

4. Substitute the value of a. Plug in a = 3: 7 + 5(3) = 10.

5. Multiply 5 and 3: 15.

6. Add 7 and 15: 7 + 15 = 22.

So, when a = 3 and b = 10, the expression 70/b + 5a equals 22.