​​Which of the following is an example of geospatial technology?(1 point)





​GIS (or Geographic Information System) is an example of geospatial technology.


The correct response is: ​GIS (or Geographic Information System) is an example of geospatial technology.

well which one is it?

Sorry for any confusion. The correct answer is indeed "GIS (or Geographic Information System)" as the example of geospatial technology.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what geospatial technology is. Geospatial technology refers to any technology that is used to collect, analyze, and manipulate spatial data, which includes information about the Earth's surface and features.

Now let's look at the options:

1. Globes: Globes are spherical models of the Earth and can be used to display and understand the Earth's geography. While they are a form of spatial representation, they are not considered geospatial technology in the same sense as the other options.

2. Graphs: Graphs are visual representations of data, typically using lines or bars. While graphs can sometimes be used alongside geospatial technology to represent data, they are not considered geospatial technology themselves.

3. Maps: Maps are visual representations of the Earth's surface or other geographic areas. They can be paper-based or digital, and they are a fundamental component of geospatial technology. Maps can be created and analyzed using techniques and tools that fall under geospatial technology.

4. GIS: Geographic Information System (GIS) is a specific example of geospatial technology. It is a software system that allows users to gather, manage, analyze, and visualize geographic data. GIS integrates data from various sources and layers it onto a digital map, enabling users to perform detailed spatial analysis and make informed decisions.

Therefore, the correct answer is GIS (or Geographic Information System).