Which of the following is a characteristic of nonmetals?

Question 1 options:

Nonmetals are not ductile.

Nonmetals are often shiny and hard.

Nonmetals often conduct electricity.

Nonmetals are often malleable.

Nonmetals are not ductile.

The characteristic of nonmetals from the given options is:

- Nonmetals are not ductile.

Lanthanides and actinides are part of which type of elements?

Question 2 options:


noble gases

inner transition metals


Lanthanides and actinides are part of the inner transition metals.

To determine which of the following options is a characteristic of nonmetals, we need to understand what nonmetals are and their properties.

Nonmetals are elements that generally have low conductivity of heat and electricity, and they usually lack luster or shine. They are typically brittle and do not exhibit the properties of malleability or ductility like metals do.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

1. Nonmetals are not ductile: This statement is correct. Ductility refers to the ability of a substance to be stretched into a wire. Nonmetals are generally not ductile.

2. Nonmetals are often shiny and hard: This statement is incorrect. Nonmetals do not usually exhibit a shiny appearance, and they tend to have varying degrees of hardness, but they are generally not as hard as metals.

3. Nonmetals often conduct electricity: This statement is incorrect. Nonmetals are generally poor conductors of electricity. Unlike metals, they do not have mobile electrons that can carry an electric current.

4. Nonmetals are often malleable: This statement is incorrect. Nonmetals are generally not malleable, which means they cannot be hammered or pressed into shapes like metals.

Therefore, the correct characteristic of nonmetals from the given options is: Nonmetals are not ductile.

Sodium, potassium, and cesium belong to which group?

Question 3 options:

inner transition metals

alkali metals

alkaline earth metals


Sodium, potassium, and cesium belong to the group of alkali metals.

How is the modern periodic table arranged?

Question 4 options:

by increasing atomic number

by increase in atomic mass

by decreasing atomic number

by increasing atomic size

The modern periodic table is arranged by increasing atomic number.

To what group do oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur belong?

Question 5 options:

alkaline earth metals


alkali metals
