When is it appropriate to use the passive voice?(1 point)


A. when the person or thing performing the action is a proper noun
B. when the person or thing performing the action is unimportant or unknown
C. It is never appropriate to use the passive voice.
D. when the person or thing performing the action comes before the verb
When you answer plz Explain

B. when the person or thing performing the action is unimportant or unknown.

The passive voice is used when the focus is on the action rather than the person or thing performing it. This is particularly useful when the doer is unknown, not important, or when it is more appropriate to emphasize the action itself. The passive voice allows for a more objective tone and can be used to shift the focus away from the subject of the sentence.

The appropriate use of the passive voice depends on the context and the intended emphasis of the sentence. Here are the explanations for each option:

A) When the person or thing performing the action is a proper noun: In certain cases, the passive voice is used when the focus is on the action and not on who performed it. This can be especially true when discussing events or actions related to specific individuals or organizations.

B) When the person or thing performing the action is unimportant or unknown: The passive voice can be used when the emphasis is on the action itself and not on who carried it out. This is often the case when the subject of the sentence is irrelevant or not known.

C) It is never appropriate to use the passive voice: This option is not correct. The passive voice has its uses in various contexts, and it can be appropriate depending on the desired effect or emphasis in a sentence.

D) When the person or thing performing the action comes before the verb: This option is incorrect. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence typically comes after the verb, and it is the object of the action that appears before the verb.

In summary, both options A and B are correct as they explain appropriate uses of the passive voice.

The appropriate use of passive voice depends on the context and intention of the sentence. Here, option B is the correct answer: "when the person or thing performing the action is unimportant or unknown."

Passive voice is a grammatical structure where the subject of the sentence receives the action, rather than performing the action. It often places emphasis on the object or the result of an action rather than the doer of the action.

The passive voice is commonly used in the following situations:

1. When the doer of the action is unimportant or unknown:
For example, "The car was stolen." Here, the focus is on the car being stolen, rather than who stole it.

2. When the doer of the action is known, but not the focus of the sentence:
For example, "The book was written by Jane." Here, the focus is on the book being written, not specifically on Jane as the author.

3. When discussing general truths or observations:
For example, "Mistakes were made." This avoids assigning blame and focuses on the result.

4. In scientific or technical writing, where the emphasis is on the process or object rather than the person performing the action.

However, it is important to note that using passive voice too frequently can lead to less clear and engaging writing. In many cases, active voice is preferred as it tends to be more concise and direct. So, while the use of passive voice is appropriate in certain situations, it is advisable to use it sparingly and consider the overall clarity and effectiveness of your writing.

Is D. when the person or thing performing the action comes before the verb be the is correct answer? Just checking.

No, option D is not the correct answer. The passive voice construction typically has the person or thing performing the action coming after the verb, not before it. In the passive voice, the subject is the receiver of the action, while the agent (the person or thing performing the action) is often introduced with a preposition, such as "by."

Active Voice: John painted the house.
Passive Voice: The house was painted by John.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer: when the person or thing performing the action is unimportant or unknown.

Thank you

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